Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cindy Lou

Yesterday I went to the track with my friend Mindi to hit the "good" pullup bars.  It was a beautiful day out so why not.  We only had 30 to workout so it looked like this.

quick 400m and some stretching, few pullups to get back in the groove

I was going to do Cindy for 15min instead of 20 as prescribed, but both of our legs were shot--Mindi's from a half-iron and half marathon she's done in the last two weeks and me from beating down Rome, Florence, Salzburg, and well, thrusters from the other day.  We did what I will call "Cindy Lou" instead.

15 Min AMRAP
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 situps (full unachored)

I finished 7 rounds.  Pullups felt awesome. First few rounds were 4 and 1, the last few 3 and 2.  My kip STILL sucks, but the pullup felt strong and the chin was way over the bar. Pushups felt great and sits were easy, but not so easy on the tailbone.  Mindi did great too-we scaled her pullups to 3, but she hit everythings RX'd. We just need a "kip clinic" for her....she's freakishly strong and can do 1 or 2 stricts with ease, but need the swing to link it all together! All in all, a solid fast WOD!

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