Monday, June 27, 2011


Poor lonely I've missed you! I've been CFitting regularly, hitting PR's, learning new lifts, eating like a cave girl, loosing weight, and feeling great!

Since I last posted I finished my half marathon-Not a hugely awesome experience, except for the post race party which involved some amazing wine and cheese and good times with friends.  I ran a 2:05, just shy of my goal, but for not training all that hard, not too shabby. Here I am pushing towards the finish. Yes, I'm in pain...running 13.1miles with no cartilage in your knees is just kinda stupid...and boy do I need a TAN!

I've embarked on another paleo challenge, really trying to make this a lifestyle, not a diet.  I've lost some weight and if you're lucky i'll post some photos someday if I can stand the sight to show people the real results of what paleo can do for you.

I've recently learned how to sumo deadlift and today worked on the "heaving snatch balance".  I put up 105# and felt pretty awesome about that. We've not done a 1RM snatch in forever, so I know it is way more than the 80lbs I worked with in a WOD last week. :) (2xsnatch EMOM x 10min)

Worked some HSPUs on 6/20, but couldn't eek anything out beyond a 45# plate and an abmat. Sad that I wasn't stronger here.

Took a second stab at Elizabeth on 6/16 and used 75# for the squat cleans and skinny orange band for the ring dips. Finished around 16 mins....4min slower, with 10 more lbs..
Pulled a really ugly deadlift @ 250# PR...can't wait to hit this one again.
Ran my fastest 1mile time in well over a year on 6/8/11...a 7:30 as part of the WOD "Jerry".
Hit a 125# split jerk PR on 6/ if only my clean was that strong.
Hit a 120# clean PR at the end of my 1st paleo challenge.  Ready to get after this one too.

Looking to finish June strong and turn to an even STRONGER July!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

PR Alert!

WOD 1: Split Jerk x 1
PR 1-115#, Pr 2-120#, PR3-125#!! 
This was a 15# PR and damn did it feel amazing!  The best part was that I felt I had more in me too! Now, if I could only clean this much!

WOD 2:
3 Rounds
200m run
20 knee to elbow
This just sucked. 

 This was posted on the "Women of Crossfit=Strong" facebook site. It is exactly what I did today!
“Try and fail, but don't fail to try. It's kind of fun to do the impossible.”
So Go out there and do it ladies, try those pullups without the band, try and add more weight than yesterday, push out that last movement harder than you started!!! “We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.” SO TAKE ACTION!!! DO IT!!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Dumbell-burpee-squat-clean-thruster"-ing Sucks.

WOD 1:
15 minutes:
Back squat x 3

3 rounds:
9 DB-burpee-squat clean-thrusters (35 lb/25 lb)  (video here)
12 slam-ball
15 pullups
WOD 1: 155#, WOD 2: 11:52 (20#, 35# KB sub for slamball)

So it was the first day back in the box after the vacation.  No need to shoot for a PR here after running the half marathon on Saturday. More to come on that.  I felt nice and fine at 155 this morning. Got in the work, but no need to kill myself.  WOD 2 was a whole different story! This combo movement sucked the life out of you. i totally could have gone for 25#, but we were out of DBs with so many women in this morning. Plus, my wrist never likes db thrusters, so better to play it safe. KB's were super easy and fast, and pullups weren't so bad.  Was hitting a consistent 4 reps or so.  Was pacing myself with Laura this morning and secretly competing with her (trust me, she's WAY stronger than me), and it was what I needed to fight through the thrusters, then finish the pullups. Thanks Laura!

Friday, June 3, 2011

A week off

I've taken a week off to travel home to Chicago to be with family and friends. I'm not sure this was the best timing for the paleo challenge and for having the half marathon tomorrow. Regardless, its been nice to rest but I'm anxious to get back in the box and moving again.

While home, I managed a 10mile training run a week ago, a short bike ride with Chip (our first one since his stroke!!), and hit one WOD at CF Tri-Cities.  3 workouts in a week? Boy do I feel lazy.  That combined with awful food choices and I really need to get back on track.

The training run went much better than the last few and while I ran out of energy again at about mile 8, I think it was more hydration than anything.  This whole LD training just takes a lot of pre-planning. 

It was thrilling to finally get out on a trail with Chip.  We got his bike outfitted at a cycling shop that specializes in adaptive cycling.  It was awesome to see Chip in control, speeding along on the trail, happy.  I'm looking forward to many more rides this summer!

Heading over to Crossfit Tri-Cities in St. Charles was a great decision.  They have a great facility and Mark, the head coach, was really welcoming. We had an awesome warmup, then hit a strength WOD. Backsquats x 5.  We hit a 3x WOD a few weeks ago and hit 170.  I hit 155 today and I think I could have done 160.  This is the lift I've seen the most consistent progress on over the last few months.  Lots of fun! We also did the regionals WOD of: 20 cal row, 30 burpees, 40 DB ground 2 OH, 50 T2B, 100ft lunges, 150ft sprint.  just shy of 20 minutes, i think.

Tomorrow is the half marathon and I'll post a full race report on Sunday. I need to post a full report on the paleo challenge too.