Monday, December 13, 2010

Jerks, Sleep, and OHS

Behind on the blogging these days! I need to keep up with at least posting the results.  Life is still insane, we are without all of our household goods (furniture, kitchen stuff, the majority of my clothes/shoes/jackets, etc...pluse we bought a house at the end of November and the work required is all time consuming. Luckily all the work on the house burns lots of calories. Its 3 levels to tons of stairs, work on ladders, and on and on. We get so busy we forget to eat sometimes too, which is bad, because then we eat crap, but it's keeping the pounds off! Not able to CF and run as much as I'd like, but we're getting the WODs in for sure.

Last week we hit Jerks on Wednesday.

Max Jerkx1
I hit 105, and was a little disappointed.  I had hit a push press of 105 a few weeks prior so the Jerk should have been more.  I'm chalking it up to lack of sleep and poor eating.  That will dog you in any WOD.

I took Thursday as a rest day and my iphone alarm failed me on Friday morning.  The damn phone didn't charge despite being plugged into the charger. Blurg!  The weekend was packed with housework. Hours and hours of it.

Monday, December 13th
Top load: 100#

I was pretty happy with the 100#.  I failed at an attempt at 105#.  I lost it on the jerk up and just couldn't stabilitze. I nailed 100 today and it was easy so next time, watch out.  OHS is one of my favorite lifts.  I don't know why--especially when so many people struggle with it.  I matched my previous PR on this so I'm pretty stoked.  Jerry's six week strength series is just what I needed to get my arse strong again!

Second WOD was:
12 min AMRAP
7 ring dips
7 burpees

I completed 5 rounds using 55# on the bar.  I think i could have done more, but it was nice to be able to snatch the bar and just go for it and hit all 7 reps in a row. The rings felt unusally strong with the skinny red band.  I guess its a sign of progress.  OH, and I don't hate burpees anymore. They are officially off of my hate list. :)

I'm fighting the sniffles so we'll see how this week works out. I may just rest so I don't end up with the ebola virus that everyone else I know and work with has had lately!

1 comment:

Angie said...

You're doing great - all that work on the house, and struggling with your nutrition and still getting in some nice workouts! That's a great number on the Jerk and on the OHS.

Hope you successfully fight off the sniffles. I was pretty sure I had the plague, but it was just a cold. ;)