Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Capt. McGhee--A hero WOD as a pre-christmas gift from Jerry!
30 Min AMRAP
5 deadlifts
13 pushups
9 boxjumps
Results: 10 rounds, plus 3 DL at 155#

This is just a long slog of a WOD.  DL's were solid all the way through, pushups were just shy of chest to deck until the last 2 rounds when i dropped to my knees due to a really sore wrist (forgot to stretch it!) 
Not judging this one as good or bad, I just did it.

Have been suffering from being extremely tired, poor eating, dehydration, and overall lack of umph in my WODs.  I know its the long hours of work and work on the house, but mostly its a poor diet.  When I first got back we were on track with dinners, lunch was coming around, and then after the closing on the house, chaos broke loose.  Dinner out, makeshift lunches, cookies, snacks...all bad.  And now I'm feeling it.  I need to get off my arse and drink more water at work. No more excuses. 

January will bring many changes in the Gabriel house...a new house, two crossfitters, two employed and working adults in the same house, and maybe a little bit of routine. I cannot wait! 

Hubby and I are starting a 30 day Paleo challenge  on Jan. 16th. 2011 Race calendare is starting to form.
Stay tuned!

Merry Christmas to all my CF blog world friends--I seriously wouldn't have made it through this year still crossfitting without you all!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Great job on this workout, girl!

Hope you and your husband have a wonderful Christmas.

I know you'll do well in the paleo challenge. I chose Primal rather than paleo because I like my cheese...but Paleo will be good for you!