Thursday, September 2, 2010

Long Run

Beautiful day for a run. Put in a 7 mile training run. The air was crisp and cool, the sun was shining, and nothing was getting in my way of a run today.  The course was a mix of forested trail and paved trail, hills and flat parts.  Total time was 1:05 with a 9:20 pace.  I had to walk a few times as I let myself get out of breath on some hills, but I stopped only long enough to not hyperventilate!  Pacing myself has always been tough when running alone. Staying on track for the Army 10 race.

I then proceeded to sabatoge my body with bad food all day.  I forgot how hungry running 7 miles makes you and how tired you are! I had to totally take a nap this afternoon and was worthless for a few hours.  Hopefully with a few more runs like this that feeling will go away. I've got a solid 7 more weeks to train so there is hope of running a PR yet.

I didn't get in my swim or a heavy lifting day this week, but with the long weekend of traveling, we'll try for it next week.  Next week is a new re-committment to food...a zone/primal attempt.  I need to control portions, eat more than 1 true meal a day, cut the caffine and sugar, and eliminate the bad carbs and re-learn to love salad and vegetables. September will be hard with Nikki coming for a week and all the beer that will be drunk at Oktoberfest, but if I can eat clean for 3 weeks, I can let loose a little while she's here! C wiss---keep me posted on your box's challenge.  I want to join virtually.

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