It has been a LONG time since I've hit a strict press WOD. I went into today feeling pretty worried about how my shoulder would hold up. I was worried about pain, but mostly the pain to my ego if I could barely lifts anything.
That wasn't the case. I hit a huge PR!
The ramp up looked like this:
55, 65, 75, 80, 85 (90 failed)
From December this was a 7lb PR...I hit 80 sometime when I was in Germany, but can't find record of it. Soooo....woot! PR!
WOD 2:
12minute AMRAP
5 push press (65#)
25 airsquats
Total: 8 rounds 27 reps just 2 squats shy of a full 9 rounds. Intensity felt good and so did the shoulder!
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