Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Finally getting back into a bit of a routine this week!

Monday WOD:
CF Mainsite
5 Thrusters (a weak 60#)
5 Muscle ups (Mod=20 pullups, 20 dips)
400m run
Time: 29: 30

This one was brutal.  Finding moto while all alone in a globo gym is so hard after the atmosphere of a box...but I am getting it done.

Thrusters....oh how I hate you.  These things snap my wrist and I end up with tingly feelings down my arm.  I could have done 70# but one injured family member is enough right now. This move is definitely something to work on this spring/summer.  I subbed muscle ups for pullups and dips on the nautilus machine.  Better than nothing.  400m sprints on the treadmill were solid--well under 2 minutes on every round.

Tuesday WOD:
5x3 Strict Press
55, 60, 65, 70, 75

Felt awesome about this lift today.  All 3 reps at 75# were absolutely solid.  And for some extra work, I had to clean the weight each round--the smith machine disappeared from the gym.  Grr.  Attempted 80, but only got halfway. If I hadn't had to clean the weight I probably would have gotten this.

20 KB Swings (44#)  This was the first time using this weight...serious soreness already!
25 air squats

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