Monday WOD
(1) Back Squat @ 30X0; 2,2,1,1; rest 3 min
(2) Split Squat unweighted high speed - 30 sec amrap/leg x 3 sets; rest 60 sec b/t legs
(3) Toes to Bar kipping - 10 unbroken x 5 sets; rest 45 sec
Back squats went well. The 30X0 means three counts on the way down, no pause at bottom, come up as fast as possible. Worked up and started the sets at 125#, last round was 140#. I would have loved to go heavier, but I'm not sure where my max is and without spotters I am not confident going all out.
Split squats were new..they look like this. I hit about 20 reps each round. This is an awesome move for practicing balance--I was a bit wobbly! I'm sure my butt will be super sore tonight.
Toes to bar went pretty well. I was only able to get sets of 5 unbroken. Grr. My grip sucks.
Tuesday WOD
WOD #1: 45 min trail run. Longest run in quite some time. It felt great!
WOD #2: DINNER! Terriakyi Beef Stir Fry with cauliflower rice. Just got some precut meat from the store and added it to 3 sliced peppers, toasted flax seed, garlic, and terriakyi sauce. Thickened it with a tablespoon of corn starch. That was the only non-paleo item in the meal. This was super tasty, even the sauce was good and all natural! And SUPER filling. :)
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