Sunday, May 16, 2010


Happy Day! Another new PR.  How is this happening? I don't get it. Ok, maybe I do.  The depression is lifting, the diet is getting dialed in, though still fighting cravings of bavarian goodness, the intensity is up, the confidence is coming back. Boy does it feel good.  I just wanted to go and hit a nice solid WOD intensly today-that was my only goal.  I picked one from CF Ansbach that looked like this:

2 rounds
20 kbs
20 situps
10 front squat 45lbs
I also added hip swings, shoulder stretches, dislocates and 2 rounds of burgner warmup.

15 min, eastablish heavy squat clean
Looked like this: 65, 75, 80, 85, 90 
I couldn't remember my 1RM Squat clean Squat clean, but just recently posted it here on 24 April.  Max of 80. 10# PR Baby!!  I think I could have done more too.

12 min AMRAP
10 Squat Cleans (65#)
10 pushups
Total: 4 rounds

I was smoked at the end of this WOD. 4 rounds looks crappy, but after each squat clean you totally have to re-set everything. Feet and hands. And, since I'm not using bumper plates...just small 12in or so plates, my pull from the floor is low and taxing.  But, the great news is that I did it. Nailed each and every clean and did a perfect pushup each time.  No slacking on form and no knees...I'm so stronger than that.

Goals for the week:
no pushups on knees
get to the track and use the outdoor pullup bars
1 long trail run
Breakfast before driving Chip to therapy every day

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