Monday, February 7, 2011

Strict Monday

WOD 1:
Strict Press x1
Top load: 77#

Attempted 80# twice and failed! I had 80# back in Germany, but I guess some time off from this definitely hurt the overall strength.  2011 goal is 85#.

WOD: 2
16min AMRAP
8 pushup (ring if possible)
8 push press (65#)
8 24" box jump

Survived a solid 6 rounds. Pushups were pretty tough, i just did regular ones to work on form since I'm pretty weak.  Box jumps went surprisingly well. :)

Paleo update: Was not very strict last week at all. Fell off the wagon, but I still think it was small. I major cheat meal per week and a few slips here and there. I missed the sugar the most last week, that's for sure.  Had a burger and fries on Saturday night and a few beers. Paid for it dearly the next day.  Discovered that taking magnesium helps the stomach issues. We will have to see how the week goes.

Overall update:  Have had some issues getting to the box more than 3 days a week, which is pretty terrible for me.  We've had some rough weather, prohibiting me from getting out of the driveway and lots of housework/repairs.  I swear we're never going to get this place to a respectable living state. Its exhausting!

More breathing squats tomorrow!

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