Sunday, May 8, 2011

Friday and Saturday

Friday was CFOT's "First Friday", as in the first Friday of the month. You get to pick your hero/girl WOD and get after it.   Nikki and I chose to do "Elizabeth".  21-15-9 Squat Cleans, Ring Dips. 

Obviously I had to scale as the RX weight was 135# for men, about 105# for women.  I started with 75#, but had to drop to 65# after 10 reps. I was going to injure my back if I had kept that up. Ring dips were done on the skinny orange floss.  Going to try this again in a few months and see where I'm at.

I made it to the gym on Thursday for an evil WOD called Fight Gone Really Bad. I won't go there.

More exciting was Saturday.  Chip and I have joined Potomac/Patriot Crossfit Spring Paleo Challenge.  Oh baby. Money on the line, photos taken for before and afters, benchmark WODs. 
 For this particular challenge, we are no sugar, no fruit and nuts for 2 weeks, and starchy veggies only if you do not need to loose weight. What does that mean for me? Meat and veggies only. Water, coffee, and tea.  I might get really cranky of the next few weeks. I've put on a few pounds and fallen off the wagon that was cruising so well back in Jan/Feb.  I now have the "pooch" again and I don't like it.

I was quite proud of my efforts on the benchmark WODs of the day though.  The first was 1min pullups, 1 min pushups, 1 min situps, 1 min squats.  On the pullup bars I got 8 in a row. 8!!! That is PR improvement of 3 (i think). My goal is 10 in a row in the retest in 5 weeks.  I also pulled a 115# clean which wasn't bad considering all the cleans I did yesterday. Goal is 125# in the retest.  There was also a 6 minute AMRAP which I smoked. It felt amazing. 

I hope to keep up the blogging to share my experience over the next 5 weeks. 

Dinner last night:
Huge turkey burger (green onions, mustard, and S&P for seasoning)
roasted asparagus

2 eggs over easy
1.5 whole foods breakfast sausage links (AMAZING)
about 15 blueberries  (I refuse to throw away good berries--once they are gone, they are gone)

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