Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Updates and Good News!

Fallen behind...doesn't mean I'm not still trying to move.  The moto levels are rock bottom, performance is poor. That said, I'm still moving, or at least trying to. Here are the updates:

Friday WOD
20 Min AMRAP
5 Turkish Get-UPs
10 Dips
15 Wallballs
Total: 5 rounds

I've never done a TGU before.  Chip coached me through the moves since he learned with Jerry at CFOT back in the day.  I wasn't strong enough for the 35# KB, so I used a set of 8lb dumbbells.  Held both in my right hand and did them...worked on form and that was hard enough. Ring dips were on the red band and felt good.  Used my 14lb homemade wallball "Killer".  I actually held fairly good intensity here and felt like a solid WOD when I was done.

1 Hour Bike ride in 90 degree heat and direct sun.  Mostly hills.  Quads were dying from the week and just felt slow and dehydrated.  Allergies were killer out there in farm country.


30 min trail run
5 rounds
10 pushups
20 Abmats
Felt miserable and out of shape! nothing like a simple workout to kick your ass and put you in your place. I know where my place is!

Got some good news this morning--my husband will be headed out to Landstuhl Army Hospital for some more intensive therapy for 8 weeks (to start). We're hoping to get him out there on Monday.   I'll be spending some time out there as well, which means frequent visits to CrossFit Ramstein! Keeping our fingers crossed for a permanent PCS out there for the remainder of his Army career, which would be a blessing for us both.  A fresh start, CrossFit opportunities, and a potential return to work for me!

1 comment:

c wiss said...

I do TGU's at about 25#. What I've noticed is that using the KB is more challenging than the dumbbell. I like that WOD, I think I will have to steal it for my list that I keep. :-D

And I will definitely keep my fingers tightly crossed for a PCS for you guys! Glad you will at least be visiting there in the near future -- I'm sure getting back with a group, and getting some coaching, will help with your CrossFit "mojo". :)