Monday, April 19, 2010

Power Cleans

Power Cleans 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
Results: 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 (2), 105 (2), 105, 110

Per usual, cleans are a suckfest for me. My form is sloppy, my elbows are slow, my hips don't always pop.   85# and 95# felt really strong today.  I really thought I could go for 110#, but I got greedy after nailing 105 and hit it too soon afterwards and I had a bunch of onlookers and I think I just freaked...

Logan, however, mastered the clean today and PR'd at 80#!! She nailed it.  She's so strong and doesn't even know it!

Little finisher:
Walking lunges (2 lenghts of basketball court)
50 air squats
25 back extensions

Then I coached/cheered Jason on through his "Fran on Crack" WOD
21 Thrusters
7 muscle ups

What a beast....

(What's up with the photos you ask? I'm taking a photography class...this week's lesson is "sport mode". Photo something in motion.  Unfortunately, lighting and composition are a bit off.  One viewer has kindly noted that "composition would improve if subject would remove his shirt! seriously erin.  do humanity a favor and get shots sans shirts. please?" Tehehe! J's too modest, I think, to "pull a Harold"!!)

1pgk pre-cut stir fry meat
1/2 onion
1 small zucchini
1 bag of frozen stir fry peppers
2 teaspoons toasted flax seed
lite soy sauce to taste
1 tablespoon of baking powder and H20 to thicken sauce

Brown meat-add onion, zuch, and bag o' peppers. Boiled broccoli separately then added at the end so it didn't get mushy.  Protien and veggies.  I could have used a few more carbs and probably a fat to round it out but dessert will be strawberries and a piece of chocolate!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Those are good power clean numbers though! You'll get the 110 next time. ;)

I agree with your other viewer...composition would improve with removal of the shirt.