Monday, March 22, 2010


saw this picture while eating breakfast today
 Just what I needed for a Monday.

WOD 1:
3xStrict Press
45, 55, 65, 70, 75, 80 

4 rounds:
5 perfect toes to bar (legs straight, minimal kip)
10 pushups

WOD 2:
400m run (downhill from the house--big hill on the way up!)
15 wallballs
time- 15:30

The runs were brutal but felt good. I used my new wallball that I made. It's name is killer. See her picture below.  I aimed as I as I could on my garage wall and it ended up about being 8ft. Isn't CF standard 10ft? That is way high!! I would like to use this as a nice benchmark metcon that I will eventually do with a weight vest.  Chip has an extra set of kevlar body armour...its 14lbs without the plates.  Grrrr.... 

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